June 1 - June 30! The Move for Amirah is rooted in the nature of our faith in Jesus. In the language of the New Testament, "[Jesus] himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world" (1 John 2:2). In Christ, we have the opportunity to be washed for the washing of others. We have the indescribable joy of knowing that because Christ moved on our behalf, we have the opportunity to "move," not only for ourselves but for all. This is the heart behind Move for Amirah. We move, not only for ourselves but for our vulnerable neighbors, in order to help end exploitation in Jesus' name. Please CLICK HERE to get started!
Different ways to get involved:
1. Donate to support our movers! You can visit our team page to donate.
2. Move with us! Pledge a number of miles to move for the month of June to help us meet our 365 mile goal! Please enter your mileage pledge HERE, and then don't forget to share! You can create your own personal page to compete for fundraising prizes or share our team page.
3. Pray for our movers! Whether you're donating or moving with us or not, we invite you to join us in praying for this event, for those moving for Amirah, and for the women whose lives will be forever changed through this ministry!